- out of 5 times of doing good deeds.. 1 will repay in kind
- Sometimes, human actions do not match what the mind is trying to do
- being kind, not really must expect something in return (but at least say thanx or terima kasih or syukran dah memadai....n one more thing kenang2 la sikit jasa org tuh)
Does merely being known offer a guarantee that we should expect kindness without being thankful?
Friends should respect each other, should they not? Indeed they should. However, there are no set of written rules that lists the duties of what is required by each person to another. If we are lucky enough to be born into a life where we are blessed with others in a close knit relationship, shouldn't we appreciate those people even more?
Appreciation seems to have somehow gotten lost under the words expected and neglected.
did u ever think that these people need not hear words of praise or thankfulness? Should we expect them to do what we may not feel like doing ourselves, then turn around and neglect to thank them for it. Does being a friend give you a "free pass" to take advantage of the same people who'd never take advantage of you?lain la kalau org tu yg suke sgt take advantage kt kiter....urmm mmg patut pun kiter ignore..
thi situation always happen around us ...always happen to all sort of people....
This possibly occurs because as friends, they just let go ..."emm lantakla..." "malas nak pikir la". ....EVEN dorg sakit hati...dorg juz let go sbb mls nak panjang2kn hal....
That's entirely incorrect. The fact that someone so dear to us is willing to help (the very reason they're dear to us begin with) should never go unnoticed or be taken advantage of. In fact, the selflessness they bestow on us is a gift that should never be forgotten.
If you continue to take advantage of other people's kindness, you may find yourself empty and solely because they know what they do for you doesn't matter.Always let them know it does.
You'll never know when you'll need their kindness again.
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