Sunday, January 4, 2009

kAkI wAyAnG....

NigHt View aT mALacCA selasa 30/12/08

Lighting in Malacca Town

melaka oh melaka huhu melaka ni besh gak la lau nk jalan2 sbb byk tempat bersejarah...insyaALLAH semester ade mase aku akn tawaf sume tempat2 tuh..pic yg aku snap kat atas aku snap mase kete aku tgh bergerak pic tu tetap cantik wpun macam tuh huhu

gamba2 nih aku snap time aku on de way nk p tgk wyg ..jalan jem gile nasib baik aku dpt parking ..mulenye nk g sorg nk g jenjalan sj je x alih2 linda msg aku "kak wanny kat ner tuh?" aku pun reply " akk on de way nk p dataran pahlawan ni jalan2 boring laa" linda balas " akk nak tgk wyg x? huhu tunggu tau linda datang" ..yeay ade gak yg sudi nk teman aku . sambil2 tunggu linda aku pun jln2 tgk2 gelagat org macam2 gaya haha.

Almaklumlah cuti kan ..org2 kat melaka ni pantang ade cuti mesti jalan sume jem..Mahkota Parade & Dataran PAhlawan konpem jem n xde parking..jgn kate MP & DP je ..TESCO pun jadi ..haha penuh sesak..ramai giler femli jenjalan bawak anak2 ..barang2 kat tesco pun banyak yang xde..abis kena borong dek manusia2 ini huhu..

ape daaa aku merepek spai tesco..huhu sowy2..back to my story..aku mlm tuh ngan linda ingt nk tgk histeria walaupun linda dh tgk tp die kate xkisah nk tgk lagi aku pun no hal laa..

spai2 kat booth ticket wyg tuh tanye2 cite histeria br je stat dlm disebabkn nk jugak tgk wyg so we all pilih cite YES MAN huhu cite ni aku dh tgk cite die mmg kelakar huhu tp linda nye 1st impression to dis movie die kate mcm xbesh aku kate ..xpe2 tgk je la dulu..

the Movie pLot

After letting down his best friend by forgetting about his engagement party, Carl attends the "Yes!" seminar, where he is publicly accosted by the seminar's guru in front of the entire attending audience, and browbeaten into making a "covenant" with himself, to answer "Yes" to every opportunity that presents itself. After the seminar, he is met by a homeless man outside of the convention area. The bum asks him for a ride to Elysian Park. While he is about to say no, the friend who invited him to the seminar chimes in for him, telling the homeless man yes. During the ride, Carl gives the homeless man his cell phone to borrow, who after draining the battery, then asks for some change, which Carl reluctantly relinquishes. On his way out of the park, Carl's car runs out of gas, so with no means of communication for help, he must walk to a gas station several miles away. It is here that he meets Allison (Zooey Deschanel), who gives him a ride back to his car on her scooter. Carl then ends up making out with her and is encouraged to say "Yes!" to everything. He begins to say yes, which begins to give him good results. However, in one instance, he agreed to help his elderly neighbor by putting up a shelf, by doing so, she asked if she could reward him sexually, but after saying "No" to his neighbor, several bad things happen to him at once (including falling down the stairs and nearly getting mauled by a guard dog), convincing him to say yes, and in doing so, goes to his neighbor and she gives him oral sex. He is then encouraged to say "YES" to everything even more.

Carl begins saying yes to every opportunity that comes his way, from flying lessons to ads of "Persian Wife Finder" websites, to costume party invitations he had previously blown off, Korean language classes, and guitar lessons. Also, as a show of good faith to his best friend's fiancée, Carl agrees to throw her a bridal shower. Eventually he goes to a show because he finally said "Yes!" to a concert promoter outside of a coffee shop who he had previously blown off. He spots Allison singing on stage, and after her set he talks to her and walks her to her scooter. The two begin dating. Carl is also promoted for saying "Yes!" to dozens of micro-loans (which has actually made the bank make money and given him a promotion to executive).

Eventually, Carl and Allison decide to do something random and crazy and end up in Lincoln, Nebraska. After a day of fun activities and getting caught in the rain, Allison asks Carl to move in with her. He hesitates, but says "Yes!" anyway. On the way back to LA, Carl is detained for his sudden suspicious activities, which have labeled him a possible terrorist (taking flying lessons, the Korean language classes, approving a loan to a man to start a fertilizer company, a 6-month marriage 3 years previously, last-minute plane tickets out of town). Carl asks for his lawyer (his best friend, Pete), who explains to them about the "Yes!" seminar and his commitment to saying yes to everything. This is when Allison finds out that he has to say "Yes!" to everything, and begins to not trust him and leaves him at the airport. He tries to re-communicate with her, but is unable to.

During one of Allison's shows, she indirectly tells him to jump off a bridge, which he does. During the jump, he receives a phone call saying that he must fire his old boss, Norman. Still, he tries to make things better, going through with the promised Bridal shower, and even setting his old boss up with the Korean party planner Carl met when creating the bridal shower.

Carl later gets a phone call from his ex-wife, who has just broken up with her boyfriend. In despair, she wants to get back together with Carl, to which he emphatically tells her "No". Several bad things begin to happen to him immediately (lights flicker, elevator nearly snaps free of cable), which he tries to ignore, before being confronted by himself as the guy towing his car (he was simply hallucinating).

He decides to go and talk with the man in charge of the "Yes!" seminars, but the action causes them to both be hit in a car accident. He awakes in the hospital, only to be told by the "Yes!" guru that there really wasn't a covenant, and that he wasn't supposed to take saying "Yes" to everything so literally, that it was only supposed to be a segue into opening up his mind to other possibilities. Freed from his self-imposed boundary, Carl rushes to Allison's morning jogging and photography class, stating that he does not want to live with her, but that he still wants her and not just because of saying "Yes". The couple rekindles their relationship.

Later, Carl and Allison make a rather large donation of clothes to a local homeless shelter, arriving in a moving truck after having visited the latest "Yes!" seminar, where the leader is suddenly surprised by several hundred naked audience members.

In a scene during the credits Carl and Allison try on a new body skating outfit designed by a man he had previously denied a loan early in the film. They zip down a large at hill at high speeds laughing all the way.

you know what in the end bile habis je wyg die kate urm not bad gak ye kak..cite die kelakar tp byk pengajaran ..huhu NEVER SAY YES OR NO TO SUMTHING WITHOUT CONSIDERING IT FIRST..


Anonymous said...

haha..mmg klakar la cite ni..
jim carey terbaik.. ;D

pOcet said...

grrgr grgrr....hahahha
akak jenjalan dgn linda ey..hikhik
sonok nyer....nak itot xdapat....

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